DIPR Manipur

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Published on Thu, 11 May, 2017 Article
IMPHAL, MAY 8, 2017 (DIPR): Anyone found guilty of selling PDS items in the market will be punished. This was stated by Consumer Affairs Food and Public Distribution Minister Shri KaramShyam during a felicitation programme held at the Directorate Complex (CAF & PD), Sangaiprou, Imphal West. The felicitation of the Minister cum farewell programme for the retired employees was organised by Employees Union (CAF&PD) and Directorate of CAF & PD, Manipur.  Speaking during the function as the Chief Guest, Karam Shyam said Chief Minister Shri N. Biren Singh has given strict instructions that, punishment should be given to those found selling PDS items in the market.
The Minister urged the Director to provide rest room for labourers which has been occupied by the security personnel stationed inside the complex. The Minister also said officials of the department as well as elected representatives of the people must take ownership and responsibility in providing maximum food grains to the poor and the needy. Karam Shyam said, Union Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Minister Shri Ram Vilas Paswan also belongs to the same political party ( Lok Janshankti Party), and that we must take advantage and construct maximum godown and fulfil other grievances for the development to the state. He also urged the officials and employees to work together in the interest of needy people which will be remembered by the future generations.
Speaking during the function as Guest of Honour, Commissioner, CAF&PD, Shri K Radhakumar Singh said, the directorate needs image building exercise so that the public have confidence with the department.
Speaking during the function, Director, CAF&PD, RanjanYumnam said the main responsibility of the department is to timely provide rightful amount of rice under National Food Security Act (NFSA) to the targeted beneficiaries. Computerisation of Public Distribution System in the state will be fully implemented which will decrease the leakages in the distribution system. He also said Fair Price Shops with Internet Enabled Point of Sale (POS) devices will be introduced on pilot basis. Ten (10) Fair Price Shops each in Imphal East and Imphal West respectively will be introduced on pilot basis as part of sensitisation programme.
During the function today, fourteen (14) retired employees were presented with mementos. Former Principal Secretary, CAF & PD, Shri B.B. Sharma, District Supply Officer, CAF & PD Shri S.A. Halim, District Supply Officer-Imphal West, CAF & PD Shri N. Jayanta Singh and other officials attended the function. (DIPR)